Setting up TV Remote with IR Blaster

There is built in IR Blaster aimed at replacing your TV remote with your new smart phone. This feature on HTC One phone works on a large number of different TVs and home cinema devices with infrared support.

1. As a first step open the TV app from your apps list and run through the setup process. Along the top of this app are four icons, find the one which resembles a TV remote and press it to set up your infrared remote software.

2. You will get a brief description about it. After reading of what the HTC Remote is, press Start.

3. You can choose to name the remote you’re configuring. This is handy if you’re going to be setting up more than one remote, for example if you have more than one TV or want to control a home theatre amp. After choosing a suitable name, press Next.

4. You can now decide what you would like this remote to control. Tick the box next to each service you’d like to have control over and press Next when you’re done.

Configure TV remote

5. You will be now be asked to pick the manufacturer of your TV. If you can’t see yours immediately, you can type the name in to the search box at the top of the list. After tapping on your TV’s manufacturer, press Next.

6. Turn your TV to standby mode if it isn’t already and press Next.

7. Follow the on-screen instructions to test if your phone is sending signals to the TV. Once you’ve managed to turn the TV on using the phone, press Yes followed by OK to complete the setup process. You can now see a representation of your TV’s remote control!

Tv Remote htc

8. You can switch between the controls and the number pad by using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.

9. Tapping the three dots at the top right-hand corner of the screen will display the options menu, and let you choose different inputs. This is handy for switching between consoles, TV channels and DVD/BluRay players.

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